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API Patterns document the experience of many people in many projects. You can profit from this experience by learning when and how to use these patterns for creating high-quality APIs: APIs that developers love to use; APIs that are simple to extend and realize desired quality attributes.

The authors of "Patterns for API Design" have invested much time for compiling and documenting these patterns.

"Patterns for API Design" helps practitioners to design their APIs more effectively: They can focus on designing their application domain while standard design issues are solved with patterns."

Erik Wilde, Catalyst at Axway

"It will help you to understand the underlying concepts needed to create great APIs and provides a practical set of patterns that you can use when creating your own APIs. It is recommended for anyone involved in the design, building or testing of modern software systems."

Eoin Woods, CTO, Endava

"It is my belief that we are entering into an era where API-first design will become the dominant form of design in large, complex systems. For this reason, Patterns for API Design is perfectly timed and should be considered to be essential reading for any architect."

Rick Kazman, University of Hawaii
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